What a crazy and awesome weekend! I knew it would be a good one but didn't know it would turn out as it did.
First off was the pure joy and excitement of my best friend getting married! It was great seeing him and be able to be right beside him with all of the final wedding preperations as well as the wedding itself. I am so proud to know him and call him my best friend, what a great example of a godly man. It was a blast getting to know his friends in the bridal party and growing so close with them so quickly (if you ever need somewhere to crash in Minnesota you know who to call). The wedding itself was gorgeous, and seeing how happy the bride and groom were as well as their love for each other brought tears to my eyes. This will not be the only time thos happens but that will come later. The reception was loads of fun. I am not a dancer nor have I ever claimed to be one but I was dancing the entire night. It was such a happy occasion I couldn't resist.
The drive home the next day was sure tiring but one full of thought and prayer. I have found a renewed joy in prayer, and doing so constantly. God is opening my eyes to so many things personally as well as opportunities. I am so thankful for all of His provisions.
My weekend ended just as awesome as it started and remained. It was the final official gathering of the season. The sun was shining and the parents and kids had a very entertaining soccer game before enjoying a picnic. It was great seeing them again as I had not done so in a few days. They all have become adopted little sisters to me. I was not planning on this when the season started but I'm glad it did. God does amazing things. Coming home afterwards I teared up again in joy (yes this is the second, two days in a row) because of how blessed I am to have coached them.
God is showing me awesome things and teaching me a lot lately. I cannot wait to see what he has in store for me next!