Monday, February 7, 2011

Today is Enough (Matthew 6)

Today stars the busiest week of my life. Busier than college soccer two-a-days, busier than a weekend soccer tournament, and yes even busier than any college finals week I have ever had (and I have had some crazy ones).
I am working over 50 hours this week as well as trying to focus on and do well in all of my schoolwork for the week and trying to squeeze in sleep wherever possible. I do not bring this up to brag about what a harder-worker I am nor using it to complain and say 'whoa is me'. It is just a fact I am facing.  Having such a busy week I have constantly been going over my week: when I work and at what job (of the 3 I have), what assisgnments I have to do this week for school, when those are due, and thinking about needing to work ahead on future assignments due soon such as research papers. This is currently the case as I have been at work several hours with nothing to do really but think, and hope more people come in the store. Standing fixing shoe laces Matthew 6: 34 came into my mind...

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Thinking about this passage and thinking back over my last few hours and days of dreading this week the main thing that comes to mind is "DUH!". Each day this week has its own struggles and problems, so why do I need to make things even harder on myself by not staying in the moment? GOD, not myself, will be the one to get me through each day this week and the week as a whole and surely I will learn greatly from it.

What events in the near or long term future are constantly weighing on your mind? Know that God is there for you and supporting you in these tough times, even if it doesn't seem so.

I was here live for this concert and was truly an amazing experience. Jeremy has an amazing story!

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