Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brothers In Unity (Psalm 133)

One of the greatest days for some can be the saddest for others, for the same reason. Last night I helped my closest friend pack and carry the last of his things to his car as he was preparing to leave college and head home to his family, fiancee, and pastoral internship. His family and fiancee were definitely excited as it meant he would be returning home and would be able to see him on a regular basis, if not daily. I on the other hand would get to see him in person even less, though thanks to technology and the wonders of Skype I will hopefully be able to see him (albeit on a computer screen) fairly regularly.  Although I may not have physically shed a tear...ok maybe just one, it is saddening to see him go. Looking back over the last three years I never thought we would end up this close nor have him touch my life the way he has.

Walking along our freshman floor, the person now I am closest too more than any other is the least likely person I would have thought so then. We were quite opposite in many ways. I was super small, he was ripped and all muscle. He woke up early and went to bed early while I favor more of a stay up somewhat late and sleep in type of schedule. He was really neat and I...well lets just say I had trouble keeping things neat. Though as we got to know each other, both informally and socially constructed activities we started to get to know each other and found things to bond over such as Frisbee golf (frolf). If it was a warm sunny day and most of the homework was done, or even if it wasn't, we would go shoot a round. This is where we learned the most the quickest about each other because it was either talk or be in awkward silence.

It is because of him that I am where I am now in my faith. He has no idea how many times he has helped correct me or prevent me from going further away from where I needed to be. I opened up my newly bought Bible and just opened it to start to break it in and the first page it opened to had Psalm 133 on it.
"Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life forevermore. (ESV)"
 It truly is good and pleasant to dwell in unity with brothers in Christ. Those time on the frolf course where some of the best times I can remember. From talking about life, to watching and thinking about our crazy celebrations over the luckiest of shots. I owe so much to this brother and only hope to be able to give not only back to him but to others as well. His fiancee is one lucky lady. Love you bro!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Today is Enough (Matthew 6)

Today stars the busiest week of my life. Busier than college soccer two-a-days, busier than a weekend soccer tournament, and yes even busier than any college finals week I have ever had (and I have had some crazy ones).
I am working over 50 hours this week as well as trying to focus on and do well in all of my schoolwork for the week and trying to squeeze in sleep wherever possible. I do not bring this up to brag about what a harder-worker I am nor using it to complain and say 'whoa is me'. It is just a fact I am facing.  Having such a busy week I have constantly been going over my week: when I work and at what job (of the 3 I have), what assisgnments I have to do this week for school, when those are due, and thinking about needing to work ahead on future assignments due soon such as research papers. This is currently the case as I have been at work several hours with nothing to do really but think, and hope more people come in the store. Standing fixing shoe laces Matthew 6: 34 came into my mind...

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Thinking about this passage and thinking back over my last few hours and days of dreading this week the main thing that comes to mind is "DUH!". Each day this week has its own struggles and problems, so why do I need to make things even harder on myself by not staying in the moment? GOD, not myself, will be the one to get me through each day this week and the week as a whole and surely I will learn greatly from it.

What events in the near or long term future are constantly weighing on your mind? Know that God is there for you and supporting you in these tough times, even if it doesn't seem so.

I was here live for this concert and was truly an amazing experience. Jeremy has an amazing story!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Taking Charge (Joshua 1)

Welcome back! After a long time off into oblivion I am back and posting again, hopefully on a regular basis once again.

Growing up the main thing in my life has been soccer. It was the only sport growing up where my lack of size didn't harm my ability to do well to a great extent until I hit the end of high school and college, which I learned to adjust for and play smart to offset my physical deficiencies. Once my playing career ended I was looking for a way to both stay involved with soccer and also needed some additional income so I contacted my local club which I had played for seeking a coaching position. I had the opportunity to either be a head coach for 9 year olds or assist with a team of 12 year old boys. Not having had any direct coaching experience I decided that the assistant position would be best to just adjust to coaching and how that went because it was a totally new thing I was stepping in to. Last year I had the privileged of learning underneath a intelligent and personable coach. This year I am a head coach, on my own, of a team of 14 year old girls.  Not only am I on a new adventure as a head coach but have a completely new audience to teach in girls.

This morning at Restoration (church I attend) the sermon was on Joshua and how he had been under the training of Moses and now, without Moses, was in charge of the entire nation and bringing them into the promised land.

            1 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses'  assistant,2 "Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all  this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel.3 Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses. (Joshua 1:1-3).

Being in charge and directing 14 junior high girls in one collected goal has seemed like a daunting task at times but today I re-heard a verse (Joshua 1:9) which I have memorized over a Backstreet Boys song. (It was from a church camp session, and if you haven't tried it yet, putting verses to modern song tunes works wonders!) 

          9 This is my command: Be strong and courageous. Do no be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

Even in trying to lead this group of energetic and spunky group of girls I know that I can do this and with His help I can prepare properly for success this season. Not only with this temporary aspect in my life of coaching, but also as I am just finishing up school and preparing to head into full time ministry, God will be there and is with me, so whom shall I fear? NO ONE!  

Where in your life are you timid or afraid, how can God use you in your situation, and what resources has He put around you to help you accomplish this for His glory?

Don't be the person who plays it safe